Hello Again to all it's been way too long since I've blogged here on New Prairie Woman. Some of you know that NPW was compromised by a meanie hacker and was down for over a year but finally unblocked by the powers that be at after they cleared the virus out. Anyway, during that time and after, I went through my own issues and a bit of trauma in my life so writing was not on the top of my list.
New Prairie Woman will be concluded some day. When, I'm not sure. But, she will return, this I pledge to all of you, my loyal fans. In the meantime, I wanted to let you know that the cooking artist within New Prairie Woman, me, Susie Rosso Wolf, has decided out of the blue to open an online test market biscotti and confections mail order business. I opened for business in August and so far I'm very pleased with our progress. I'd like you to take a look at what I'm doing now in my life, to drop by my new website at: www.rossobiscotti.com. Please drop by to see our beautiful biscotti and chocolates and to read the history of our family recipes and how I grew to acquire them!
Thank you again for dropping in to visit me. I continue to live here out on the prairie. It is as lovely but as difficult as it ever was. A true dichotomy of splendor and torment, beauty and struggle. Looking over the snow packed prairie-land at this very moment I'm thinking of all of you who have visited here over the years and I wonder, could any of them have survived what we have gone through to live here, to sustain themselves. I don't know, I'm truly not sure for this country out here is very tough and one must be tough too to live in it. Therefore, I suppose I'm saying that this old tough gal wishes you a lovely holiday season and I pray you are all well and happy.
My heart is yours,
Susie Rosso Wolf
Indeed, long time! Drop me a line and bring me up to date on you and how you are! I would love to hear from you!